Bug Tracker Report Voting

Dear players,

we want to bring our attention to the most requested fixes and focus on those reports that the majority of you can benefit from at this time. For this reason, all past votes on the Cataclysm bug tracker have been reset. Until Sunday, June 9th, you can vote for the most important reports for us to address. Our team will then select the 10 most voted issues and the developers will look into them with the highest priority (if the issues can be fixed). For more information about bug reports, please see our website.

In other news, for you to witness on all our realms, we have (re)introduced three hosted in-game events that you can enjoy from our Event Master team! Some of you may know them from distant past years, some not, but if you wish to see more, be in-game and you may get to experience one.

Thank you for your continued support, and have fun!

Athena Team