New Weapon Transmog Options Added

Dear players!

We are excited to share another news with you! This time, those who believe that appearance matters and enjoy extraordinary weaponry will take their cut.

Have you ever wondered what is it like for a hunter to fight while Out of Ammunition? Can you imagine the agonizing amount of damage you can deal with Paynful Spear of the Void? Are you not tempted to see the very fabric of the world tremble beneath Jan’s Code Revisor? Don’t you wish to see the fear in the eyes of your enemies as they draw their last breath before being annihilated by Jeniczek’s Banblaster?

If you wish to wield some shiny new tools of destruction, feel free to check our Donate shop to which we have added more than 80 new transmogrification weapons, ranging from daggers to polearms, with cool names and even better appearance! Some of the weapons have never seen the light of World of Warcraft and have never been touched by a player’s hand before, so they are truly unique!

We understand that such a high number of new weapons might be overwhelming and some of you could struggle finding what fits their character the best. Therefore, we have implemented a new feature to the Transmog page of our website manager for your convenience: you can now choose which weapon types you are looking for, so that you don’t get distracted by those you do not consider buying.

We hope you will enjoy all future combat with these new possibilities – or at least the looks of them. Enjoy!

Athena Team