Deserter Changes and Other Updates

Dear players,

we hope you are having a wonderful day, and are ready for some exciting Athena news!

Firstly, we have taken a closer look at the mob and pet pathing behaviour. Those of you who have been concerned about it, fear no more ‒ while our original fix had some unintended side effects, it has now been polished and all remaining issues are gone! These improvements are already live and were deployed just before midnight for your enjoyment.

Importantly, we have updated the Deserter system in RDF: From now on, any player who is kicked out of a dungeon will not receive the Deserter status. Moreover, groups with 3 or less players can now leave the dungeon freely without any penalty.

Moving to raids, we have implemented several raid fixes based on the invaluable feedback we’ve received through our bug tracker.
Don’t forget that heroic raids start today at 19:00 server time! We’re sure many of you have been eagerly waiting with your guildmates for them, so remember to get ready, and enjoy all the new updates and the amazing experience that await you!
As we have mentioned in the past, the 10 and 25-man ID splitting will be enabled on the next reset after the 10-man Realm Firsts are taken.

Lastly, we’ve received multiple requests about adding Tier 1 and Tier 2 sets to the donate shop, and we would like to know the opinion of all of you! Please join our Discord and share your thoughts on this.

We hope you enjoy these updates, and we wish you a lot of fun!

Athena Team