LFG Ninja Looting Measures and Improved Buyback

Dear players, today we bring you more features and epic updates!

3v3 Arena Event

Firstly, we have finished setting up the rewarding mechanism for the 3v3 events, and those of you who participated for the last two rounds have received their rewards! If you wish to win more cool rewards, don’t forget to participate for the next round, happening this Tuesday from 7 PM to 11 PM server time!

Anti-Ninja Looting System

We have started implementing a system to counter ninja looting in dungeons, as you have requested and we promised. This system restricts the Need action when distributing an item, to be usable only by selected classes and specializations based on the item. Our team has been working on providing the specific restrictions for items dropping from Cataclysm dungeons, and we will start deploying this feature to the first dungeons tonight.

Improved Buyback system

Up to now, the items available for buyback from vendors were only kept in memory for as long as you remained logged in on the server. This is going to change ‒ with the new update, items sold to vendors will be saved into the database and will remain there for 2 hours. Thus, they will remain there even if the player relogs or the server restarts, giving you better options to retrieve them.
We plan to release this feature in the coming days.

We hope you will enjoy all these new features we’re bringing to Athena, and stay tuned for more news!

Athena Team