Changelog 11.11.2023 (255 fixes)

Spells (89)
Death Knight
#3642 Reworked conditions which a debuff must meet in order to be prevented from applying by Anti-Magic Shell
#3642 Paladin’s Aura Mastery can no longer prevent Anti-Magic Shell’s absorb effect from applying
#21522 Death Knight Ghoul’s Claw no longer requires 80 Energy to be used by Auto Cast
#22064 Death Coil can now miss, or be resisted or deflected
#3993 Death Grip can no longer sometimes fail to move its target
#3993 Reworked Death Grip due to recent immunity changes, added one missing spell
#3993 Reflected Death Grip now causes Death Knight to jump to its target
#3993 Players can no longer cast Death Grip while they are falling
#796 Death and Decay can no longer damage enemies that are not in line of sight of its center
#796 Death and Decay can no longer interrupt looting
#21539 Reworked Glyph of Resilient Grip, Death Grip’s cooldown is now reset only if the target is immune to both jump and taunt effects
#3728 Corrected visual effects caused by Pestilence
#3827 Pillar of Frost now also makes Death Knight immune to Death Grip
#22094 Death Coil can now only trigger Runic Corruption once per cast
#8470 Force of Nature can no longer break Stealth
#13458 Glyph of Ferocious Bite can now correctly heal for fractions of a percentage
#21516 Healing reduction in instances no longer affects Firebloom’s healing
#22074 Master Shapeshifter now only increases healing done when not shapeshifted or in Tree of Life form
#22074 Reworked Master Shapeshifter after recent changes
#12172 Backported a few more fixes for auto repeat spells from MoP
#13169 Pets no longer sometimes incorrectly interrupt casting of Bad Manner
#13169 Commanding a pet to cast Bad Manner now ignores active crowd-control auras on the target
#13169 Fixed a bug which caused players affected by Bad Manner to teleport around if they were moving before Bad Manner hit them
#12295 Bullheaded now correctly removes Cyclone
#2618 Using Hunter’s Mark no longer breaks Camouflage
#2618 Commanding a pet to Attack no longer breaks Camouflage
#1612 Explosive Trap can no longer damage players with disabled PvP status
#10437 Food of lowest possible level now heals pets for 12.5% of their total health, instead of 12%
#21946 Glyph of Concussive Shot no longer causes mounted players to keep reduced movement speed even after Concussive Shot fades
#21921 Improved Kill Command now correctly increases Kill Command’s critical strike chance
#5944 Flintlocke’s Woodchucker can no longer reset Steady Shot counter
#2444 Arcane Potency now applies correctly to Blizzard and Arcane Missiles
#2444 Fixed a bug which prevented Arcane Potency from being applied when Blizzard or Arcane Missiles triggered Clearcasting
#10430 Backported absorb priority system from MoP, Guardian Spirit has a higher priority than Cauterize now
#2268 Flame Orb no longer despawns when it collides with terrain
#2464 Frostfire Orb no longer despawns when it collides with terrain
#2440 When Incanter’s Absorption is triggered again, it is now correctly displayed as a refresh in combat log, instead of a new application
#8633 Ritual of Refreshment now works properly in battlegrounds and arenas
#3391 Ardent Defender’s healing effect now correctly happens after damage event that triggered it, instead of before
#3391 Reworked Ardent Defender, it now correctly reduces damage taken by 20%, instead of only 15%
#2316 Beacon of Light now correctly heals pets when placed on them
#3663 Censure debuff no longer allows Paladins to use Judgement when no Seal is active
#1638 Divine Purpose now also removes Divine Storm’s mana cost while it’s active
#1638 Reworked Divine Purpose, removed no longer needed code
#3658 Eye for an Eye now tries to damage other nearby enemies if the original damage source is not a valid target
#2936 Negative haste can no longer increase Crusader Strike’s and Divine Storm’s cooldown
#6843 Seal of Insight can no longer trigger from Judgement, Hammer of Wrath and Avenger’s Shield
#3617 Seal of Justice can no longer trigger from Judgement, Hammer of Wrath and Avenger’s Shield
#3617 Seal of Justice can now trigger even when the Paladin doesn’t have any weapon equipped
#5844 Seal of Righteousness can now trigger even when the Paladin doesn’t have any weapon equipped
#2916 Seal of Truth can no longer trigger from Avenger’s Shield
#2916 Seal of Truth now triggers additional damage even when the target has less than 5 stacks of Censure
Retribution Paladin’s Two-Handed Weapon Specialization now affects a few more spells
#3346 Atonement now heals nearby players correctly when damaging Al’Akir in Throne of the Four Winds
#2437 Holy Word: Sanctuary can no longer refresh Renew while Chakra: Serenity is active
#2848 Divine Fire now correctly extends its duration when refreshed
#21570 Corrected Divine Hymn’s haste breakpoints
#16254 Fear Ward is now correctly removed even by partial immunities
#21768 Focused Will can now correctly proc from damage greater than 10% of Priest’s total health
#10674 Leap of Faith can no longer sometimes fail to move its target
#3121 Mind Sear is now correctly displayed as a debuff when applied to enemy targets
#16486 Mind Vision is now correctly displayed as a buff on the casting Priest
#16486 Mind Vision can no longer miss or be resisted by friendly targets
#15805 Pain Suppression now correctly reduces target’s threat
#14530 Spirit of Redemption can no longer trigger from dying to falling damage
#14530 Reworked Spirit of Redemption, added missing spells and many other corrections
#9168 Reworked conditions which a debuff must meet in order to be removed by Cloak of Shadows
#13635 Fixed a bug which sometimes caused Killing Spree to teleport to the target without doing any damage
#21928 Rogue Trainers now teach Pick Lock at level 20, up from level 16
#14649 Corrected Earthliving Weapon’s proc chance from Chain Heal and Healing Rain
#2970 Elemental Shaman’s 4P PvP Set Bonus now also applies Fulmination visual effect upon reaching 9 charges of Lightning Shield
#2970 Fulmination’s visual indicator is now removed properly when Lightning Shield falls below 9 charges
#21704 Corrected Healing Rain’s haste breakpoints
#2295 Mana Tide Totem now also calculates its bonus Spirit from some Spirit buffs, such as Darkmoon Card: Tsunami and others
#2295 Mana Tide Totems from different Shamans now stack if they are summoned at the same time
#2523 Shamans can no longer cast Unleash Elements on enemy targets when only helpful enchantment is active, or on friendly targets when only harmful enchantments are active
#8248 Fixed damage increase for Death Knight and Shaman pets
#594 Fixed a bug which sometimes caused client-server position of players affected by Fear to desynchronize
#6742 Fiery Imp no longer tries to Auto Attack instead of casting Flame Blasts
#2180 Jinx: Curse of the Elements can no longer break Stealth
#981 Ritual of Souls now works properly in battlegrounds and arenas
#14932 Seduction can no longer start its channeling if the target was immune
#9028 Corrected spells triggered by Seed of Corruption when Soulburn is used
#9028 Added missing UI indicator for Seed of Corruption
#9028 Drain Life, Searing Pain and Seed of Corruption now consume Soulburn even if they don’t hit their target
#9966 Removed silence effect delay and added a better solution to force interrupt effect to take place before silence effect
#21638 Dark Moonlight no longer incorrectly affects global cooldown of Death Knight spells while in Unholy Presence
#10306 Explorer (Dwarf Racial) now correctly reduces cast time of Survey
#12227 Fixed swim speed stacking with Aquatic Form.
Dungeons (53)
#11872 Blackwing Descent Atramedes – Sonic Breath can no longer damage players in a direction different from the one shown by its visual effect
#11872 Blackwing Descent Maloriak – Added checks to prevent Maloriak from casting Scorching Blast immediately after casting Consuming Flames
#11872 Blackwing Descent Maloriak – Magma Jets now always turn Maloriak in the right direction when the casting starts
#11872 Blackwing Descent Maloriak – Corrected health of Flash Freeze in all difficulties
#11872 Blackwing Descent Maloriak – Absolute Zero no longer causes Maloriak to turn to its target for a moment
#11872 Blackwing Descent Maloriak – Flash Freeze no longer targets players that were recently attacked by Aberrations, as long as there are enough players that were not attacked by them
#11872 Blackwing Descent Chimaeron – Caustic Slime no longer targets player in tanking talent specialization if there are enough players in non-tanking talent specialization available
#11872 Blackwing Descent Omnotron Defense System – Toxitron’s Poison Soaked Shell can now only trigger from player attacks and can no longer trigger from spells such as Lightning Shield, Molten Armor or Eye for an Eye
#11872 Blackwing Descent Omnotron Defense System – Electron’s Unstable Shield can now only trigger from player attacks and can no longer trigger from spells such as Lightning Shield, Molten Armor or Eye for an Eye
#11872 Blackwing Descent Omnotron Defense System – Arcanotron’s Power Conversion can now only trigger from player attacks and can no longer trigger from spells such as Lightning Shield, Molten Armor or Eye for an Eye
#11872 Blackwing Descent Magmaw – Fixed a bug which caused the entire instance to get stuck with boss encounter in progress when Magmaw resets
#11872 Blackwing Descent Magmaw – Players can now correctly generate threat by damaging Lava Parasites and Blazing Bone Constructs when they are idle
#11872 Blackwing Descent Magmaw – Slightly reduced the distance from Magmaw at which are players considered preferred targets for Pillar of Flame
#11872 Blackwing Descent Magmaw – Fixed a bug which caused players to experience camera and movement issues after dying during Mangle
#11872 Blackwing Descent Magmaw – Pets can no longer fall below Magmaw when their owner exits Magmaw’s vehicle
#11872 Blackwing Descent Magmaw – Slightly reduced movement speed of Lava Parasites in Normal difficulties
#11872 Blackwing Descent Magmaw – Blazing Inferno can no longer target player affected by Mangle or players trying to chain Magmaw
#11872 Blackwing Descent Magmaw – The spike in front of Magmaw no longer blocks line of sight against Magmaw, Lava Parasites or Blazing Bone Constructs
#11872 Blackwing Descent Omnotron Defense System – Arcanotron now targets random players with his Arcane Annihilator
#16672 Eye of Eternity Reworked Malygos boss encounter
#997 Halls of Origination Temple Guardian Anhuur – Pit Vipers now respawn with each Shield of Light cast
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Lady Deathwhisper – Reworked boss encounter
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Lord Marrowgar – Reworked boss encounter
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Festergut – Reworked boss encounter
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Reworked Coldflame Trap
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Added missing trash creatures in 25-man difficulties
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Added Light’s Hammer attack event
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Reworked Alliance and Horde faction spawns
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Sindragosa – Reworked boss encounter
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Reworked Sindragosa’s Trap event
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Reworked Putricide’s Trap event
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Professor Putricide – Reworked boss encounter
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Rotface – Reworked boss encounter
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Deathbringer Saurfang – Reworked boss encounter
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Gunship Battle – Reworked boss encounter
#7114 Icecrown Citadel The Lich King – Reworked boss encounter
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Reworked Sister Svalna event
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Valithria Dreamwalker – Reworked boss encounter
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Glacial Strike is now properly removed when a player is healed to full health
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Blood-Queen Lana’thel – Reworked boss encounter
#7114 Icecrown Citadel Blood Prince Council – Reworked boss encounter
#12284 Naxxramas Fixed a portal that appears after defeating Maexxna
#4814 The Bastion of Twilight Valiona & Theralion – Valiona can no longer change her facing while channeling Devouring Flames
#4814 The Bastion of Twilight Cho’gall – Worshipping can no longer break instantly if players move before Conversion targets them
#10157 The Stonecore Slabhide – Boss now resets if he leaves his encounter area
#10157 The Stonecore Slabhide – Added a delay for closing of door to encounter area
#12777 Throne of the Four Winds Al’Akir – Acid Rain is now applied once every 20 seconds when patch 4.2.0 or higher is active
#12777 Throne of the Four Winds Al’Akir – Instead of attacking other targets in melee range, Al’Akir now correctly uses Electrocute when the target with the highest threat is not in melee range
#13271 Throne of the Tides All bosses now reset if they leave their encounter area
#13271 Throne of the Tides Added a delay for closing of door to all bosses’ encounter area
#17013 [4.3] End Time Echo of Sylvanas – Corrected Risen Ghoul’s health
#17013 [4.3] End Time Echo of Sylvanas – Corrected Risen Ghoul’s armor and model data
#17472 [4.3] Well of Eternity Added missing outro event with Nozdormu and The Dragon Soul
Mechanics (3)
#11651 HoT/Buffy Corrected conditions for deciding if caster level or target level should be used for spell scaling
#7839 Random Dungeon Finder Death Knights, Goblins and Worgens can no longer join dungeons before they complete their starting zone quest lines
#7839 Random Dungeon Finder Vote Kick now becomes available 3 minutes after the dungeon starts (changed based on Discord suggestions)
General (33)
Attack School Corrected melee attack school for many creatures
#21804 AuctionHouse/Mailbox Players are no longer disconnected when large quantities of items expire at once in Auction House
Aura Saving Corrected conditions for which auras should be saved upon exiting the game, unified code with MoP
Auras Reworked aura duration and tick rate calculation, unified code with MoP
Channeled Spells Auras applied by channeled spells are now always correctly removed when channeling ends
Client API Added missing condition for one of client’s API calls
Energy & Focus Players now correctly start with full Energy and Focus upon logging into the game
Environmental Damage Fixed a bug which prevented game objects such as campfires, bonfires, etc. from doing environmental damage to nearby players
Facing Reworked creature facing, unified code with MoP
#16317 Forge – Dalaran Added missing forges to Dalaran
#20922 Forge – Orgrimmar Added missing forges to Orgrimmar
#20776 Global – Auction House Maximum Level Range filter now works correctly even when Minimum Level Range is not set
#14470 Global – Cooldown (Visual Bug) Fixed a bug which sometimes caused spells to not display their cooldown correctly
#10907 Global – Pets / Guardians Hunter pets no longer inherit original creature’s melee attack school
Global Cooldown Reworked global cooldown calculation with Haste, unified code with MoP
#1383 Glyphy Fixed a bug which prevented players from applying same glyphs to both Primary and Secondary Talent Specialization
Haste Reworked Haste handling – Unified all code with MoP, Haste is now correctly split to Cast, Melee, Ranged and Regen
#12218 Hunter focus Switching Hunter Aspects should no longer produce visual issues with Focus
Immunities Corrected how immunities work against other spells, removed no longer needed exceptions and unified code with MoP
#21976 Missing Forge Added missing forges and anvils to Darnassus and a few other places
Multiple School Spells Reworked damage calculation of spells with multiple schools
Multitap Fixed a logic error in implementation of multitap creatures
Power Regeneration Reworked Energy, Focus and Runes regeneration with Haste, unified code with MoP
Powers Removed many no longer needed sources of power updates
Powers Reworked handling of all power types, unified code with MoP
#10610 Rage Implemented correct sending of Rage gains
#10610 Rage Implemented correct handling for Rage fractions
#13417 Resurrection Corrected corpse reclaim penalty timers (the time how long you have to wait before you can resurrect at your corpse)
#13417 Resurrection Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented players from resurrecting at their corpse even after their corpse reclaim penalty expired
Spell Attributes Implemented three new spell attributes, based on Mists of Pandaria research
Traps Corrected detection radius of all traps – it was unintentionally lower than it’s supposed to be
#2929 Twilight Highlands: The Crucible of Carnage Reworked the entire “The Crucible of Carnage” quest line including individual boss encounters
#21583 Warlocks pet attack in fear Fixed a bug which caused pets to move incorrectly when chasing feared or confused targets
PvP (10)
#5945 Alterac Valley Corrected the time it takes to capture bases to 4 minutes (down from 5 minutes)
#5818 Arathi Basin Corrected the time it takes to capture bases to 7 seconds
#6458 Battle for Gilneas Corrected the time it takes to capture bases to 7 seconds
#10589 Global – Arena Entering an arena now correctly removes transform auras
#10589 Global – Arena Players who left an arena are now correctly shown in the final scoreboard
#21493 Honor Points from honorable kills and battleground events Corrected the amount of Honor Points awarded for Honorable Kills and various actions in Battlegrounds
#21640 Res timers in Rated bgs Corrected resurrection timer in Rated Battlegrounds
#5816 Warsong Gulch Corrected Recently Dropped Flag debuff for Horde players
#5816 Warsong Gulch Alliance Flag icon is now correctly displayed on the map
#5816 Warsong Gulch Players who join an ongoing Warsong Gulch now see flag icons next to the scoreboard correctly
Quests (34)
Classes – Death Knight
#9570 Analyzing buildings now correctly completes the quest
Classes – Rogue
#20243 Corrected Nalice’s interphase
Dungeons – Well of Eternity
#20086 Added outro event with Alurmi
Eastern Kingdoms – Dun Morogh
#15027 Quest reworked
#9236 Viewpoint Equalizer now correctly shrinks the target and gives quest credit
Eastern Kingdoms – Eastern Plaguelands
#15649 Mossflayer Rogues now spawn even if the player is mounted
Eastern Kingdoms – Ghostlands
#17829 Quest reworked
Eastern Kingdoms – Gilneas
#5474 Corrected the behavior of Mountain Horses
Eastern Kingdoms – Gilneas City
#3471 Iron Bomb can now only damage Forsaken Catapults and Invading Forsaken
Eastern Kingdoms – Hillsbrad Foothills
#2172 Corrected quest item drop chance
#9720 Corrected quest credit award
Eastern Kingdoms – Redridge Mountains
#2462 Quest event corrections
Eastern Kingdoms – Searing Gorge
#12230 Lunk can now properly ride spiders
Eastern Kingdoms – Twilight Highlands
#3721 Corrected events with Vermillion Menders and wounded dragons
Eastern Kingdoms – Westfall
#2297 Increased spawn rates of homeless people
Kalimdor – Azshara
#8061 Quest reworked
Kalimdor – Darkshore
#12175 Fixed a bug which prevented players from using Dryad Spear more than once per combat
Kalimdor – Silithus
#21732 Quest is no longer repeatable
Kalimdor – Un\’Goro Crater
#4513 Threshadon Meat can now be correctly placed on the stone
Miscellaneous – Firelands Invasion
#16603 Corrected capturing Druids of the Flame
#16571 Fixed quest credit
Northrend – Borean Tundra
Added missing quest event
#8671 Fixed an issue that prevented Winterfin Tadpoles from leaving their cages
#4361 Fixed quest credit
Northrend – Icecrown
#21543 Quest reworked
#10343 Quest reworked
Northrend – Sholazar Basin
#21894 Fixed quest chaining
Northrend – Zul\’Drak
#12298 Corrected Drakuru’s timers
#4360 Fixed quest after recent changes
Outland – Shadowmoon Valley
#21574 Players can now correctly get Medallion of Karabor from Xi’ri
Outland – Shattrath City
#20538 Quest reworked
Raids – The Eye of Eternity
#17879 Heart of Magic now correctly appears after defeating Malygos
The Maelstrom – Deepholm
#7020 Added several checks to prevent Mor’norokk the Hateful from getting stuck
#21577 Corrected spawn points of Shimmering Serpents
NPCs (25)
Arathi Highlands
Reduced melee damage
Blackrock Depths
#9024 Ribbly Screwspigot and Ribbly’s Cronies now correctly attack players
Blackwing Lair
#21505 Razorgore the Untamed can no longer despawn while possessed
Burning Steppes
#21948 Added spawn points for Malfunctioning Reaver
Dun Morogh
#21431 Crazed Leper Gnomes now correctly fight with S.A.F.E. Operatives
Eastern Plaguelands
#21972 Corrected melee damage and loot
#7762 Corrected faction of Lady Alistra and other nearby creatures
#14194 Attack timers are now adjusted when Inferno Blade or Decimation Blade expires to prevent Baleroc’s main-hand and off-hand attacks from synchronizing – main-hand and off-hand attacks should no longer occur at the same time
#14194 The first Blade of Baleroc is now always an Inferno Blade
#14195 Reapplied missing health corrections for Lord Rhyolith
#14195 Fixed threat generation during transition from the first to the second phase
#14195 Liquid Obsidians are no longer immune to knockback effects
#14196 Corrected cooldown for Majordomo Staghelm’s shapeshifting – it was incorrectly applied even when shapeshift did not occur
#14197 Ragnaros can no longer be interrupted by Hand of Ragnaros stolen by Dark Simulacrum
#14193 Riplimb now gets a significant movement speed increase in case that returning Shannox’s spear takes too long
#14193 Rageface can no longer move, melee attack or change targets while channeling Face Rage
#7129 Corrected Luzran’s waypoints
#21965 Presence of the Old God is now visible to players
Stormwind City
#11202 Added missing events and corrected behavior of Lil Timmy
Thousand Needles
#21877 Ancona Chicken non-combat pet is no longer uninteractible
#21345 Krkk’kx no longer evades all attacks
Western Plaguelands
Reduced melee damage
Reduced melee damage
Reduced melee damage
#21656 Added correct spawn points and waypoints
Items (7)
#10499 It is now possible to have up to three instances of Hurricane buff active at once, if it is enchanted on both weapons
#11454 Guild Vault Voucher can no longer be used if the previous guild vault tabs were not purchased yet
#4418 Potion of Illusion now only copies nearby player’s appearance or selects a random appearance if no player is nearby
#4418 Potion of Illusion can no longer enable other players’ PvP status
#3661 Healing from Scales of Life is now correctly affected by healing modifiers
#17576 Schematic: Flash Bomb now correctly drops from Mekgineer Thermaplugg
#3496 Variable Pulse Lightning Capacitor’s Lightning Bolt can no longer interrupt casting or channeling
Objects (1)
#14688 Added an option to learn Discombobulator Ray